Your Best Option When Going Bald


Here is the deal… losing your hair sucks! It is MUCH better to have a full head of hair if you are a guy.

Your Best Option When Going Bald

Women do prefer a full head of hair the majority of the time. There is no getting around it.

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So what do you do if you are losing your hair? I got three words for you:

Buzz… It… Off!

Frederick Ljunberg – Soccer Player for Team Sweden and Calvin Klein Model.

See, Frederick Ljunberg has the right idea.

His hair is receding and he went for the buzz cut.

He is a case of someone who actually looks better with the buzz cut. He kind of looks like a freak with a full head of hair.

Avoid the George Costanza Look!

Remember George Costanza from Seinfeld?

He was completely bald on top and had hair just on the side and back of his head.

If you are over 50 and don’t really care about your appearance, then this can work for you.

If you are younger then you really don’t want to shoot for this look at all!

But Don’t Women Prefer Guys With Hair?

Yes, their preference is for guys with thick heads of hair.

Their second preference as far as hair goes is bald or buzzed.

The look they dislike the most is the “partially bald look” or bad hair plugs.

If you have long hair in some places and huge bald spots, you need to reconsider your hair style.

Quite a Few Women Do Find Many Bald Guys Attractive

Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves, David Beckham, Andre Agassi, Bruce Willis, and Kelly Slater have all buzzed or shaved their heads at some point in their careers. Some of these guys aren’t going bald, but still looked great with shaved heads.

Kelly Slater is an Example of a Guy Who is Going All The Way Bald

He is the perfect role model for you guys who are seriously losing your hair.

You either need to buzz it extremely close or shave it with a razor.

Kelly is also proof that women can find bald guys attractive. He is consistently voted as the sexiest male in professional surfing.

Do you think he would be as attractive with the George Costanza look?

Of course not.

How Short Should You Buzz Your Hair?

How short you go, depends upon how much hair you have lost.

If you just have a bit of a receding hairline, go with a “number 2 ot number 3” on the clippers.

If you have some serious thinning hair, but no massive bald spots go with a “number one” on the clippers (that would give you hair about the length of Frederick Ljunberg in the photo above).

If you have serious bald areas on your head use the clippers “straight up” with no attachments (that would give you hair as short as Kelly Slater in the picture above).

Don’t Do “The Fade” or “Flat Top” if You are Going Bald!

When you buzz your hair off, make sure you keep it all the same length all over your head.

You don’t want to do a military-style fade, where the sides and back are super buzzed and it gets thicker on top.

You really want to buzz your hair like the male models and the celebrities do, buzz it evenly all over.

Are You Nervous to Take the Plunge and “Buzz it Off”?

You should be! It is kind of a weird deal buzzing your hair off. It will take you a little while to get used to the way you look.

You WILL look drastically different.

In fact you will begin to feel a bit different too, in a good way!

I’m actually much more confident now that I’m bald.

What I’ve found is that FEWER older women find me attractive, but MORE younger women dig my look.

I’d say that is a great trade!

Do You Have the “Guts” to Do It?

Again, if you aren’t balding, you should flaunt your awesome head of hair (consider yourself lucky, thank your parents, etc.)!

If you are balding you should seriously consider buzzing all of it off.

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It is a big step, but one that will most likely make you more attractive to women.


-Rusty Moore

As a former fitness coach to fashion models, I can teach you how to increase muscle definition without adding size.

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