Recently I drove down to my Dad’s for dinner.
*NEW* Visual Impact Fat Loss Boost Diet
For 15 years I've helped fashion models get lean for photoshoots. Use my plan to Lose 5-10 pounds of PURE body fat in 14 days.
He lives about 90 minutes south of me.
It’s should only be a 45-minute drive but traffic at 4:30 PM is pretty bad in Seattle.
Traffic here isn’t as bad as bigger cities like Chicago, New York or LA, but still rough.
While I was driving, I got in a weird “Freeway trance”.
The deep thought that happens when you are on autopilot-mode while driving.
One of the things I was thinking about was turning 50 recently… and that I have only 10 summers until I’m 60!
For me, summer is the prime part of the year and definitely the part I look forward to the most.
If you are in your 20’s, 30’s… it’s easy to think that you have countless summers ahead of you.
Don’t waste these precious months.
Each summer is a gift in my opinion.
Knowing my summers are numbered creates an urgency for me to work out a bit harder in Spring.
I do NOT think looking good is everything in life.
I believe you will enjoy summer more when you feel like you are in great shape.
Is this shallow?
I don’t think so…
Looking your best makes everything a bit more enjoyable. It is an upgrade to your energy levels, confidence, etc.
Wherever you are at fitness-wise, you have plenty of time to look and feel even better about yourself.
*NEW* Visual Impact Fat Loss Boost Diet
For 15 years I've helped fashion models get lean for photoshoots. Use my plan to Lose 5-10 pounds of PURE body fat in 14 days.
All it takes is a greater sense of urgency.
-Rusty Moore
As a former fitness coach to fashion models, I can teach you how to increase muscle definition without adding size.
Click Here to check out my premium courses.