Dry Fasting for Fat Loss: Burn Fat 3X Faster than Water Fasting


A lot of people have tried typical intermittent fasting but have never tried a “dry fast”.

Dry Fasting Burn Fat 3 Times Faster

A dry fast is fasting without even allowing water of liquids.

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Literally, eating or drinking nothing during your fasting period.

This video explains why dry fasting can burn fat up to 3 times faster than water fasting.

I prefer fasting with water, tea, and coffee.

Here’s a detailed post about my experiences and tips over almost two decades of using intermittent fasting.

18 Years of Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss

That being said, I haven’t actually attempted a water fast. I was curious so I looked into it in more detail and here’s what I’ve found.

What is Dry Fasting?

Dry fasting is a true fast with a zero intake of food or liquids. You don’t drink water during a dry a fast. In fact, an “absolute” dry fast doesn’t even allow showering.

I think that not showering or brushing your teeth is a bit extreme.

A “soft dry fast” allows for showering and brushing your teeth with water.

soft dry fast

There has been no proven additional benefit of skipping a shower (unless you enjoy smelling funky).


I can’t even fall asleep if I don’t brush my teeth, so that is a no go.

I’m talking about a prolonged dry fast here.

If I was doing a short daily intermittent dry fast where I was allowed to shower at night and brush my teeth I would be fine.

I’ll explain the difference between the two different soft dry fasting methods: prolonged dry fasting and intermittent dry fasting.

What is Intermittent Dry Fasting?

Intermittent dry fasting is done by only eating and drinking water during a specific window of time each day and fasting for the rest of the day. Food and water is typically allowed for a few hours at night.

This is how the Muslim religion fasts during Ramadan.

Ramadan intermittent fasting

They eat a meal in the morning then no food or water during the day, then resume eating food and drinking water with a late-night dinner.

Going without food for 16 hours is pretty easy.

I’ve done intermittent fasting for years and it is surprisingly easy to go without food once you adapt to it.

I haven’t gone without water.

is dry fasting safe

I imagine dry fasting could cause some dehydration during intense exercise or simply being in a hot climate.

…but since you are only going without water for around 16 hours, it probably isn’t a huge issue.

What if you extend that time without water longer?

This is what happens with prolonged dry fasting.

What is Prolonged Dry Fasting?

Prolonged dry fast is when you go without food or water for 24 hours or longer. It is possible to go without water since the body can produce its own water internally by transmuting fats.

This body accelerates the burning of fat in order to get water. This is one of the reasons dry fasting can burn more fat than intermittent fasting.

Here’s how the body makes water internally during a dry fast.

  • The body enters a state of ketosis
  • Body fat is broken down
  • Free hydrogen molecules are released
  • The hydrogen binds with oxygen molecules in the blood causing water to be formed internally.

I have to be honest the prolonged dry fast seems a little extreme.

Typically the longest people go is 3 days, but that is a long time to go without water.

Dry Fasting Dangers.

About 60% of the body is water. You can go weeks without food, but going without water for 3 days or more can be deadly. Short dry fasts like Ramadan are safe, but prolonged dry fasts are quite risky.

I don’t think the discomfort and risk of prolonged dry fasts are worth the results.

I do NOT recommend prolonged dry fasts.


You can lose fat at a faster rate, but why not just take a slightly slower but safer and less miserable approach to fasting.

Either a water fast or intermittent dry fast.

water fast for weight loss

You still can get tremendous weight loss benefits from a short water fast.

Being hydrated will allow you to workout and sweat, etc.

I would be paranoid to train when dehydrated.

That being said, I do want to give a balanced view.

Dry Fasting Results: Before and After

This is a dry fasting before and after video of a woman doing a 5-day dry fast.

This was the best one I found because you see her visible weight loss progress day-to-day.

She is even doing the hard dry fast version (no showering).

I sweat quite a bit when working out, so there is no way I would attempt this.


Intermittent Ramadan-style dry fasts are a safer way to go.


If you struggle to go without food for more than 4+ hours, I have another diet hack you may want to try instead.

A 3-5 day ALL-Potato diet called The Potato Hack.

I’ve written a blog post on exactly how to do this…

fasting vs potato diet

The Potato Hack for Rapid Fat Loss

I have had friends who have lost 15+ pounds in 5 days with this little diet tweak.

Works well.

My blog post recently went viral after Kevin Smith from the movie Clerks lost 48 pounds with an all potato diet.

So if fasting isn’t your thing?

Give this a try.


-Rusty Moore

As a former fitness coach to fashion models, I can teach you how to increase muscle definition without adding size.

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