How to Get Back Into Working Out After Long Layoff


If you haven’t exercised in a while you can expect to be a little rundown when you start a new routine.

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Not just sore…

But a bit lower in energy when you aren’t in the gym.

You should not only expect it.

I recommend almost striving for it.

Pushing your comfort zone is what is going to increase your baseline fitness over time.

push your comfort zone in your workout

There is definitely a break-in period when getting back into a workout routine.

These days, most people in society are so inactive that I would consider their baseline fitness level to be below zero.

This reminds me of the title of one of my favorite 80’s movies, “Less than Zero”.

I just looked at Rotten Tomatoes and they gave this a 52% (I disagree).


You have to allow yourself to get a bit rundown at first if you plan to improve.

When I ran clothing stores in my 20’s and 30’s we were on our feet most of the day.

New salespeople typically were toast the first month or so.

Over time they were able to work longer hours and had energy all day.

Since working out is voluntary. It takes discipline to push yourself when nobody is watching.


get back to workout out after a layoff

My Women’s Course isn’t easy at first.

My Men’s Course won’t feel comfortable when you begin.

Improvement happens on the edge of discomfort.

It doesn’t feel great at first, but it is a good sign.

Embrace it.

Note: The most enjoyable clothing store I managed was called “Structure”.

In the late ’90s, our store had a nationwide contest for guys to make an underwear calendar.

structure underwear calendar

It was hilarious because they had to submit photos in-person in our stores.

It was VERY entertaining to see who submitted photos.

Lots of arrogant guys submitting pics.

A few guys came back who were bitter and made fun of the guys who won.

“These guys are puny”.

“I could kick all their asses”.

*NEW* Visual Impact Fat Loss Boost Diet
For 15 years I've helped fashion models get lean for photoshoots. Use my plan to Lose 5-10 pounds of PURE body fat in 14 days.

High entertainment value!


-Rusty Moore

As a former fitness coach to fashion models, I can teach you how to increase muscle definition without adding size.

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